Алексей Эдвардович - РепетИТор АНГЛийского языка представляет топики по англИЙСкому языКУ.

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      Modern life is impossible without traveling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road.

     Of course, traveling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, that's why the number of travel by plane grows today. But also increasing the number of problems with this travel. One of the biggest problems is passengers behaving badly.

     The abusive passenger is becoming a world-wide problem.

     The cause of most passenger misbehaviour is stress, according to Farrol Kahn, director of the Aviation Health Institute.

     Much of the abuse is down to alcohol. Dahlberg and Associates recently discovered that 202 out of 708 major incidents noted by a US carrier over a six-month period were alcohol - related. Seventy-four incidents were smoking-related.

     In my opinion, the cause of most passenger misbehaviour is bad education. Because if the person have a really good education, he will behave adequately in any situation.

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Пара слов об Алексее Эдуардовиче (отзыв):
Замечательный, грамотный и чудесный, роскошный, просто чудо-РепетИТОР . Рекомендую.


      I think all companies in the world have a one major problem: “How to select the best candidates—and avoid the worst?”

     Investing thousands of pounds in the recruitment and training of each new graduate recruit may be just the beginning. Choosing the wrong candidate may leave an organization paying for years to come.

     Few companies will have escaped all of the following failures: people who panic at the 1st sign of stress, people who seem incapable of learning, unstable people.

     The 1st point to bear in mind at the recruitment stage is that people don’t change. Intelligence levels decline modestly, but change little over their working life. The same is true of abilities, such as learning languages and handling numbers.

     Most people like to think that personality can change, particularly the more negative features. But date affected over 50 years gives a clear message: still stable after all these years. Of course, people can be sent on training courses, but better to select for what you actually see rather than attempt to change it.

     I think that people can change during their life. They grow up and change their world view and ideology. They get a lot of information during their life, they reed books, meet new people, go around different society. And in these circumstances people can’t stay the same during their whole life.

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Our goal is to create a team of interesting tutors who will always be enthusiastic and positive. РЕПЕТитОР ПО АНГлиЙСКОМУ И НЕМецКОМУ ЯЗЫку. Помощь СТУДенТАМ ПЕРЕВодЧЕСКОГО ФАКУЛЬтеТА ЯЗЫКОВогО ВузА.


      Trade is an economic activity based on the circulation, purchasing and saling of the goods. Negotiation is an essential part of the every-day trades’ life.

     Negotiation can take place at any time and in any place.

     There are several definitions of negotiation. It is said to be “the process for resolving conflict between two or more parties whereby both or all modify their demands to achieve a mutually acceptable compromise”. Thus, it is “the process of changing both parties’ views of their ideal outcome into an attainable outcome”.

     The need of negotiation arises when we are not fully in control of events.

     The aim of a negotiation is to come to an agreement which is acceptable to both sides.

     I think, in spite of the existence of negotiating theories, it is frequently difficult to apply theoretical and conceptual knowledge in a practical situation. In order to be a good negotiator, one should have negotiation skills as well as a theoretical knowledge. But without a practical experience it is hard to negotiate effectively.

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06 апреля 2011

Единый государственный экзамен стал неотъемлемой частью современного российского образования

Единый государственный экзамен по английскому языку и математике.Британские учёные установили, что Правиль…

РепетИТОр нужен на работу - Требуется РепеТИТОр ангЛИЙСкого яЗыка.


      Many companies are keen on the organisation of good working conditions for the employees. Good working conditions are very important and help the company to become competitive and successful in the world of business.

     Many companies throw out traditional management style in favour of people motivation and achieving the goals. For example, the key words in the Finnish cleaning company SOL are flexibility, freedom, trust, goals, responsibility, creativity, joy of working, and long life learning. Very often creativity is restricted by routine and traditional office hours. As work becomes more competitive companies need more flexible, creative and independent people. To help staff towards independence Sol-company has abolished territorial space such as individual offices and desks and organized a communal area similar to a social club.

     The motto of SOL-company is to kill routine before it kills you. Another motto is the better you think you are, the better you will become.

     And I think that companies in which people work when they like and flexibility is being strongly tested are most successful companies in the world.

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РепетиТОр ангЛИйскоГО яЗЫка в МарьиНО и Санкт-Петербурге. Индивидуальные уроки с репетИТОРОм. Эффективно.


      Since ancient time’s people have been inventing things that changed their life’s and made them more pleasant and comfortable.

     But only few of us know names of those who developed a first computer or produced a first hand-held electronic calculator.

     The business world is not kind to pioneers. Even if you know how a market will developed, timing is a matter of luck or of quite exceptional skill. But we can’t say that there is no role in for the great innovator with great idea. For example, the imagination of Walt Disney created a company that is still without parallel or rival.

     So we can firmly say great ideas are one of the main parts in progress of our life and it also could bring money. Great ideas are generated in different ways. Sometimes an idea may simply be when the company tries to satisfy the customers’ needs or improve its own choice to existing customers. But where exactly generate such lovely ideas?

     Of course companies of research and development are usually founded at the base of university science. These companies write business plan to raise the investments. They also find people to manage the new company and recruit a staff of scientists to work.

     And I think that great idea is only 10 percent of success and other 90% is hard working for this idea of many people.

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